The basic properties of matrix subalgebra were investiaged , the matrix subalgebra was generated by a single matrix , all maximal ideals were classified , the necessary and sufficient conditions for the subalgebra to be semisimple algebra were given 摘要研究了由一个矩阵生成的拒阵子代数的基本性质,给出了其极大理想的完全分类及这类子代数是半单代数的充要条件。
In chapter 2 , one type of maximal subgroups in symplectic groups over local rings are obtained . let r be a local ring and char r 2 , mbea positive integer , s be the unique maximal ideal of r , we define . then g ( s ) is a maximal subgroups of sp ( 2m , r ) 在第二章中,得到了局部环上辛群的一类极大子群:设r是一个特征不为2的局部环, m是个正整数, s是r的唯一极大理想,则g ( s )是sp ( 2m , r )的一个极大子群。
In mathematics, more specifically in ring theory, a maximal ideal is an ideal which is maximal (with respect to set inclusion) amongst all proper ideals. In other words, I is a maximal ideal of a ring R if there are no other ideals contained between I and R.